Langues en mouvement

D’un rêve d’universalité fonctionnelle au libéralisme linguistique : standardisation de la langue tchèque moderne et controverse des années 1990 et 2000

Ilona Sinzelle-Poňavičová.
V průběhu 19. a v prvních desetiletích 20. století se čeští filologové aktivně podíleli na vytvoření kultivované varianty národního jazyka. Ve 30. letech 20. století Pražský lingvistický kroužek navrhl teorii spisovného jazyka a jazykové kultury založenou na fukčním kritériu, která se stala výchozím bodem uvažování o spisovné češtině až do dnešních dní. V 90. letech 20. století a na začátku nového tisíciletí někteří bohemisté označili takto vytvořenou spisovnou češtinu za vnucenou kodifikovanou formu, odporující každodennímu užívání jazyka, a nastínili nová řešení.

Écologie des langues fenniques minoritaires: Analyse comparative de trajectoires postcommunistes

Anatole Danto ; Léa Pertel.
This article aims to compare the trajectories of Finnic minority or dialect languages within the post-communist area of Latvia, Estonia, the Leningrad oblast and the Republic of Karelia. It is based on an interdisciplinary work in social sciences. This study analyzes materials kept in museums or research institutions, but also uses ethnographic survey in the field, in medium-term immersion within communities (native speakers, researchers, NGOs). It focuses on Livonian, Votic, Ingrian, Kihnu and Manilaid, Karelian and Vepsian communities. This study seeks to compare the post-communist evolution of these languages, by examining their vitalities, in both quantitative and qualitative evolutions of speakers, but also in terms of areal evolution, or linguistic policies (such as imposed uniformization and standardization, etc.). Thus, the public policies put in place, and the major changes taking place within them, are exposed, as well as the actions of actors who are invested in defending those languages and dialects. It raises the question of the legitimization of knowledge, with the perspective of the knowledge of these NGOs (and their networking) and the knowledge produced by scientists studying these communities. At the end, a typology of the ecology of these languages is drawn up, making it possible to categorize them and compare them according to different types of trajectories.

« Parler de nos vies avec nos propres mots » : quand les Khantys, les Nénètses et les Mansis de la Sibérie (sub)arctique parlent de leur langue

Dominique Samson Normand de Chambourg.
Since the conquest of Siberia in the sixteenth century and the colonization that followed, the history of vernacular languages has often been linked to the language policy of the Russian state, between disinterest, promotion and instrumentalization. History has been written from the sole point of view of the dominant culture. After a brief review of the linguistic interactions between the Russian and indigenous worlds in Imperial and Soviet Siberia, particularly in the light of the school, it will be necessary to consider the point of view of the communities themselves, using the example of the Nenets, Khantys and Mansis of (sub)Arctic Siberia. Based mainly on fieldwork and life stories collected from 2013 to 2018 in the tundras of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and in the forests of the Khanty-Mansi - Yugra Autonomous Okrug, this article seeks to restore the indigenous narrative and highlight the paths explored by the Tundroviki and Tajožniki in the early twenty-first century to maintain a bubbling space for self-expression in the face of the inner demons of the dominant culture and the discouragement of some communities themselves.

L’albanais, langue des Pélasges: Transformations postcommunistes d’une linguistique populaire

Gilles de Rapper.
Parascientific literature on Pelasgians and the Pelasgian origin of Albanians has been remarkably successful in Albania since the 1990s. Written by amateur linguists and historians, it is opposed to official science, but nevertheless dependent on scientific production, especially that of the communist period. The aim of this article is to show how neo-Pelasgist authors are dealing with language and what this popular linguistics owes to the communist period.

La désarchaïsation lexicale en russe contemporain

Svetlana Krylosova.
In the process of lexical dearchaization, the lexical units previously being part of the passive vocabulary of speakers and therefore chronologically marked as archaic, cease to be felt as belonging to an earlier epoch and enter the active vocabulary of a large number of people. The present article, deals with lexical units which, in the dictionaries of the Soviet era, were labeled as archaic (and/or contained in their lexicographical definition the components like “in Tsarist Russia”, “in Russia before 1917” and which are no longer so in contemporary dictionaries. We analyze the new paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of the lexical units in question, the development of their polysemy, their new derivatives and, in certain cases, their graphic and grammatical adaptation.

Évolution du lexique socioprofessionnel en bulgare après 1989

Gueorgui Armianov ; Snejana Gadjeva.
Статията предоставя анализ на развитието, наблюдавано в българската лексика във времето след падането на комунистическия режим през 1989 г. Тя обръща особено внимание на промените на официалните обръщения и термини, свързани с различни професионални и социални сектори, като се основава на съвременното състояние на езика.Анализираната социално-професионална лексика е извадена от лексикографски трудове и електронни източници, като сайтове за работа, спазващи националната и международната стандартна класификация на професиите, и вестници, специализирани в областта на икономиката и финансите. Изучаването на тези писмени извори се допълва от наблюдения върху езиковата практика на говорещите.След преглед на изграждането на социално-професионалната лексика в рамките на общото развитие на съвременния […]

Évolutions lexico-grammaticales dans l'usage du bélarussien de la période post-soviétique

Tatsiana R. Ramza ; Jeanna Vassilioutchek.
Утварэнне самастойнай дзяржавы Рэспубліка Беларусь (1991) выклікала змены і ў узусе беларускай мовы, скіраваныя перш за ўсё на яе дывергенцыю з рускай моваю, асабліва ў галіне лексікі і граматыкі. Канкурэнцыя двух варыянтаў беларускай літаратурнай мовы (афіцыйнага – наркамаўкі і неафіцыйнага – тарашкевіцы) вядзе да ўзаемапранікнення іх нормаў і стыхійнаму фарміраванню ў актыўных карыстальнікаў своеасаблівага кампраміснага падыходу, які акумулюе ў сабе найбольш рацыянальныя рысы абодвух варыянтаў.

Entre variation et continuité : jeux polyphoniques et créativité phraséologique dans le polonais de jeunes locuteurs

Dorota Sikora.
The present paper deals with linguistic novelties in contemporary Polish. Indeed, every day communication brings out a large variety of new forms and formulæ. Nevertheless, rather than changes, they mostly remain innovations. Having considered, in the first part, main tendencies in contemporary Polish, the second part discusses findings of a compared analysis of 553 nominal phrases (NP) extracted from two sources: an online dictionary of urban slang (Miejski) and short humoristic stories published between 1935 et 1937. The results suggest similarities in speakers’ attitudes, in particular as far as poliphonic phraseological creativity is concerned.

Le phénomène du suržyk en Ukraine : deux langues en dialogue… ou en dispute ?

Olga Artyushkina.
The phenomenon of suržyk is presented as a consequence of Russian-Ukrainian bilingualism from the diachronic and synchronic point of view and as a phenomenon of linguistic adaptation, both towards Russian and towards Ukrainian in post-soviet Ukraine. The author examines the issues of norm and standard and presents an analysis of the socio-linguistic peculiarities of Suržyk with the support of the literary and audiovisual corpus.

Le bilinguisme en Tchétchénie aux XXe et XXIe siècles

Françoise Guérin.
The unbalanced bilingualism we see in Chechnya clearly shows the hegemony of the Russian language over the Chechen language. However, the linguistic situation is not homogeneous in time or space. Indeed, while the older generations have a high level of competence in both languages, they consider the Chechen language as their mother tongue and the Russian language as a second language, whereas the opposite is true for the younger generations. The Chechen language skills of the younger generation are very low in urban areas and higher in rural areas.Thus, this article will focus, on the one hand, on the influence of the Chechen language in the use of Russian, manifesting itself notably at the phonological and syntactic levels. On the other hand, my research will focus on the penetration of Russian language within the Chechen language at the phonological, lexical and syntactic levels.